After a few weeks of preparation, my first infantry battalion is ready. It is the Müffling regiment (IR 26). Hans Bleckwenn highlights the uniform of this unit because it has white lapels and lining on the skirt and the only "distinction" is blue underwear [1]. I also find it remarkable that the large cuffs (not found on the HäT figures as they are for the SYW) have no buttons at all.
The uniform was changed some years later to a more ordinary style. (photo: A. Hanselmann, 2024)
The regiment had been under Baron Heinrich Ferdinand von Müffling since 1724 [2]. Before the final peace agreement was reached in 1738 [3], the owner of the regiment died in 1737 and the regiment was taken over by Grüne. It then served in the Austrian War of Succession at the eastern theater of war in Silesia.
The figures by HäT have too modern uniforms - but there are no correct figures for the WPS on the market. (photo: A. Hanselmann, 2024)
The uniform of the drummers is quite speculative. As a flag I used a "Leibfahne" that cannot be assigned to an infantry regiment and was created by David Morfitt [4].
I do like the pose of the officers of the fusiliers in the set produced by HäT. (photo: A. Hanselmann, 2024)
Next month's topic will be an interview with a historian from Paris and we'll be looking at the year 1624. But of course we'll also stay on the ball with our current project. However, we're mainly busy preparing for this year's Landleben 1624 event in Wackershofen.
Maybe I will paint a second bn. with the regimental flag. (photo: A. Hanselmann, 2024)
Text: André Hanselmann
Photos: André Hanselmann
1) Hans Bleckwenn: "Reiter, Husaren und Grenadiere" Hardenberg Kommunikation, Dortmund, 1979, p. 33
2) On kronoskaf he is named "Müfling". Baron H. F. von Müffling lived from ca. 1665 to 1737.
3) The peace treaty of Vienna on November 18th 1738.
4) As always recommended:
Nice work!
AntwortenLöschenNice work! I like the way you've laid out those old looking maps underneath for the photos.
AntwortenLöschenThank you. I suppose that I will use maps for the whole series until my 4 bn.s are ready for Parma.
LöschenSuperbes figurines, elles font honneur à cette formidable période...Salutations de France!
AntwortenLöschenMerci beaucoup! Votre avis est toujours bienvenu.
LöschenGreetings! I just found your blog accidentally. Is it possible to post some of your pictures on our social media and link back to your blog?
AntwortenLöschenPhotos with HäT-figures only (as here) are no problem for me.
LöschenOK thanks! Later on I will post some and show you. If not ok, I will remove them.
AntwortenLöschenI have not found the photos, which you have chosen. But at least one more posting is coming.
AntwortenLöschenYou can find the first one here:
I hope you got a lot more visits to your blog!
Thank you very much for the links. I missed to look back in our own comment section here.
LöschenNo problem.