Samstag, 17. Februar 2024

Fourth battalion is ready for the table

Finally I managed to finish the painting of my last battalion of the project. It's the second battalion of the Müffling regiment. I used a flag which is similar like the flag of the first battalion which had the "Leibfahne" of the regiment [1]. 

The second battalion of the Müffling regiment. (photo: André Hanselmann, 2024)

I tried to make the battalion looking a little bit different from the first battalion although using the same sets to create the unit. 

The back of my unit. (photo: André Hanselmann, 2024)

Surprisingly for myself this will not be the last posting of the series. I still have to look over my scenario and to prepare for the next game [2].

I do like the poses of the officers. (photo: André Hanselmann, 2024)

Text: André Hanselmann

Photos: André Hanselmann


1) For comparrison look here:

2) Parma 1734.

4 Kommentare:

  1. Very nice work! You’re finished? Really???

  2. You are making good progress, very quickly. I'm looking forward to seeing them in action in the War of the Polish Succession.
