Samstag, 10. Februar 2024

A third battalion in my pipeline

 I'm currently working on a third battalion for my project. I have already four grenadiers of the Max von Hessen-regiment - painted in 2020. There were just some grenadiers over from the set 8295 [1] and older figures by Revell which I needed some more bases of grenadiers for some scenarios. 

Max von Hexen grenadiers. In the background you can see 4 grenadiers of the Walsegg regiment. (photo: André Hanselmann, 2024)

One figure was even painted by somebody else and bought at the internet a decade or more ago and somehow changed to be mixed with the other figures. You may notice the different style of sculpting of the Revell miniatures fron the 1990s and the more recent figures by HäT. The hats and heads are different in their proportions. But I never have a problem to mix figures even frome 3 or 4 manufactures in one unit. (photo: André Hanselmann, 2024)

Text: André Hanselmann

Photos: André Hanselmann


1) HäT  7 years war sampler No. 8295

2 Kommentare:

  1. You continue making good progress on mustering out the troops. I understand your basing better now seeing four figures placed upon on one sabot to make one, four-figure stand.

    1. I thought that I explained it once on the HoW-forum. But I'm not sure. Some of the 1/72 minis have large bases (kneeling figures for example) and therefore every figure has 2x2 cm.
